Crafts from Tim Reynolds of Grant Twp, Michigan

Crafts from Tim Reynolds of Grant Twp, Michigan

1. Name: Tim Reynolds
4. What do you do for a living? Self employed jack of all trades; formerly skilled trades at Chrysler
5. What type of craft(s) do you do? Welding, folk art, tractor and equipment restoration
6. What current crafts are you doing right now? Grinch & Max yard art, equipment restorations. Horseshoe reindeer were my first horseshoe project. 
7. What do you do with your craft items? Sell, give, keep or display? All of the above! 
8. What is a future craft project you hope to be working on? A horse sled/stoneboat 
9. Is there anything we could help you find for future craft projects? Not at this time 
10. What other things do you do for fun? Swimming, scuba diving, enjoy my family cattle farm. I enjoy attending local auctions and tractor shows. 
11. Are you involved in any charity events? I attend local benefit events for community members in need and donate to local food banks. 
12. Do we have your permission to publish your story and pictures on our website? Yes, but please keep my street address private. 
13. If you have your own website, leave link here: I am UserID moneytr1996 on ebay and plan on listing craft items for purchase: 
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